It was a pretty good music video, wish I spoke the language so I could understand the song haha. However, the music video captured the tone of the song very well just based on what I was able to make of it. I loved the character designs and how well drawn and animated things like the falling apart portions were done, and the 3D stuff with the buildings was amazing. Really creative stuff. Unfortunately, other aspects of the music video seemed unfinished. The lack of a background for a majority of the music video, lack of color, walk cycles that seemed a little float-y, and low amounts of frames used for certain movements. These are all things that could have been fixed had the extra time been spent to do so, and based on how well made the rest of the animation was, I know you could do it.
You're definitely very talented and I love your style. I know that if you just put in the extra effort, you could make something that other music videos would envy. I'd love to see more in the future!!