You have taken good ol' Charlie Brown and turned it into something else. But, you turned it into something else the right way. All the stories from before fit perfectly into this, it's not like before where Charlie Brown goes crazy, or just stupid crap that makes no sense. The story was perfect. The Devil has tricked Charlie Brown. I also love how the music is, it fits perfectly. I noticed how when the Devil and his minions show up, the same music from the comics that introduce the devil and show how this all starts plays. It's genius. There is nothing to change about this. My only problem was that Charlie Brown sounded like a girl, but all the other stuff cancels it out. One of my favorite ideas is, is when all the dark stuff happens, everything is white outlined silhouettes. This is perfect, I can't wait to see the sequel. If you artists continue what you are doing here, then the sequel could even be better. Thank you for submitting this piece of art onto Newgrounds.
- Chat-man