HELLO! I've been kind of quiet, but LOOK AT THIS GIF I MADE.
I'm gonna be brief about this because I have class in 15 minutes as I type this. But school's got me KNEE DEEP in work; some of it fun, some of it not so fun. The important part is that it's mostly all related to animation, which means at least if the work makes me wanna die it'll only make me more powerful.
I have been uploading little fun things here and there you should definitely check out. Mostly the first link, but HERE'S another little animated gif about emotion, and HERE'S a fun little animated gif I did as a logo for a couple of film dudes.
Also, be sure to check out this mixed-media animation I did that was inspired by a rap song I like:
You should expect another project from me within the next couple months. It's about my Dad which is cool.
Hope to see y'all soon again.<3
Those be some pretty cool GIFs